The Graphic Artists Guild has good info and resource pointers on copyright and contracts for those interested. [Editor’s note: “The Graphic Artists Guild Handbook, Pricing & Ethical Guidelines” is a MUST read book.] Michael P. McCurdy

Ivan Hoffman, B.A., J.D., is an international copyright and publishing attorney representing both “real world” writers, authors and publishers as well as prominent computer book authors and Web site designers, including Lynda Weinman, author of “Designing Web Graphics,” “Deconstructing Web Graphics” and “Coloring Web Graphics.” You can read many interesting articles for FREE on his Web site and, for a limited time, download the book “Internet Law Simplified,” also for free. Ivan Hoffman

I am pleased to announce that an article I wrote entitled “Fair Use” appears in the current issue (#157) of “Microtimes.” You can find an e-version of the article on their Web site. Check it out!  Ivan Hoffman


Suzanne Stephens

